


Influence of Various Promotion Methods and Brand Awareness on Consumers' Perceived Value and Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of Sports Shoes




許建民(Chien-Ming Hsu)


價格折扣 ; 免費贈品 ; 心理帳戶 ; 知覺品質 ; price discount ; free gift ; mental account ; perceived quality




17卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


225 - 246






Purpose: In an increasingly competitive market, manufacturers of sports shoes adopt a range of promotional activities to attract consumers and encourage them to purchase their products. This study investigated whether different promotional activities affect consumers' psychological perceptions in similar manners and whether brand awareness moderates the influence of such activities. The main study objective was to examine the influence of various promotion methods and brand awareness on consumers' purchasing behaviors. Methods: A 2 × 2 factorial design experiment involving two promotion methods and two types of brand awareness was conducted in this study. A total of 354 samples were collected from students enrolled in elective sports marketing courses at six universities. A two-way analysis of variance was conducted to test the main effects and interaction effects between manipulative variables and dependent variables. Results: The results revealed that the perceived value of and purchase intention toward discounted products were higher than those of and toward free gifts. The higher the awareness of a brand, the higher is the perceived value and consumers' purchase intention toward the brand. Regarding the interaction between promotion methods and brand awareness, perceived value was high when discounts were offered by well-known brands but not little-known brands. The results of the evaluation of the interaction effects of purchase intention were nonsignificant. Conclusion: Different promotional activities may have different levels of influence on consumers' psychological perceptions. Moreover, brand awareness moderates the influence of specific psychological perceptions. Based on these findings, this paper proposes some recommendations for promotional activities. Possible future research directions are also proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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