Because of the widespread popularity of online communities, professional sports organizations have started using social media to convey brand information and communicate with sports fans. Facebook is currently the most commonly used social platform in Taiwan, and Facebook's fan page function enables professional sports organizations to cultivate their online reputation and maintain interactivity with their fans. This study analyzes on-season and off-season posts made on Chinese Professional Baseball League fan pages to evaluate these pages' social media post strategies and provide practical suggestions to improve the results of social media marketing. Purposes: This study analyzes the interaction data (likes, comments, and shares) of nine types of post on Chinese Professional Baseball League teams' Facebook pages and compares the posts made during the on-season and off-season to explore the pages' social media strategies and provide practical advice. Methods: The fan pages of the Unilions, Brothers, Fubon Guardians, and Rakuten Monkeys are analyzed using the data-mining software ScrapeStorm to collect post information, and content analysis is employed to classify the post types. The sampling periods are the 2019 baseball season and the off-season from 2019 to 2020 (March 23, 2019, to April 11, 2020). A total of 3,190 posts of nine types (photographs, photographs with captions, live streams, videos, photograph albums, links, events, shared posts, and polls) are analyzed. Results: The frequency of posting is higher during the on-season (1–3 posts per day) than during the off-season. Fans' interaction with posts is stronger during the off-season than during the on-season. Although most posts on the fan pages are photographs with captions, motion pictures (i.e., videos and live streams) receive more comments and shares than other post types. Posts that encourage interaction and feedback also receive more comments and shares than do noninteractive posts. Conclusions: To encourage interaction, teams should post videos and live streams more frequently and post noninteractive content, such as shared posts and links, less frequently. Encouraging interaction with content stimulates fans' commenting and sharing behavior, which enhances two-way communication and dissemination of information through fans.
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