


Exploring the Effect of Psychological Capital on Elite Athletes




蔡孟芫(Meng-Yuan Tsai);邱敬仁(Ching-Ren Chiu)


多準則決策 ; 運動心理 ; 正向心理學 ; 東京奧運 ; MCDM ; Sports Psychology ; Positive Psychology ; Tokyo Olympics




23卷1期(2023 / 06 / 01)


163 - 191




目的:心理資本包含自我效能、希望感、復原力與樂觀等四個構面,各構面對運動表現皆具正向影響。而在有限的時間與資源中,教練該如何有效提升優秀運動員心理資本為本文之主要研究目的,故本研究應用多準則決策方法探討優秀運動員心理資本構面之影響力。方法:本研究收集參與2020年奧運選手、國家運動訓練中心教練與運動心理學專家等16份專家問卷,運用決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來評估模式的構面與次構面之間的影響關係。結果:教練應優先改善優秀運動員的樂觀與自我效能,能夠提升其內在的心理資本;另外,開放式運動項目之運動員認為其優先改進的構面同樣為樂觀與自我效能,但對於閉鎖式運動項目之運動員而言,其認為最應優先改善的構面為樂觀與希望感。結論:本文建議在培養優秀選手心理資本時應優先提升樂觀、自我效能與希望感,進而能夠影響到復原力,故教練與運動心理學家應在平時的訓練過程中,導入運動員正向樂觀思考的觀念,將正向事件歸因於內在因素,而負向事件則歸因於外在因素,將能夠因提升樂觀而進一步正向影響運動表現。創新性:過去運動領域的文獻認定心理資本中的四個構面彼此之間是存在獨立性,本研究運用DEMATEL建立構面之間的因果關聯,並了解各構面之間相互的影響力。故本研究結果將可協助不同運動項目教練瞭解其運動員心理資本的相互影響關係,並激發其潛能。


Purpose: Psychological capital development is based on four dimensions, namely self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism, which have positive effects on athletic performance. The current study investigated how coaches can effectively enhance the psychological capital of elite athletes in the presence of time and resource constraints. A multicriteria decision-making method was used to analyze the effects of the various dimensions of psychological capital on elite athletes. Methods: Questionnaire responses were collected from 16 experts, including athletes who competed in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, coaches at the National Sports Training Center, and experts of sports psychology. The Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method was then used to evaluate the relationships between the dimensions and subdimensions of the model. Results: Coaches prioritized enhancing the optimism and self-efficacy of elite athletes because these traits increase their internal psychological capital. The athletes in open sports agreed that these two dimensions must be prioritized for development, whereas those in closed sports indicated that optimism and hope must be prioritized. Conclusion: To increase the psychological capital of elite athletes, optimism, self-efficacy, and hope must be prioritized because these constructs affect athlete resilience. Coaches and sports psychologists should incorporate positive and optimistic thinking into the training processes of athletes by attributing positive events to internal factors and negative events to external factors. This approach can increase optimism and positively affect athletic performance. Originality/value: According to research in the field of sports, the four dimensions of psychological capital are independent of each other. To overcome this limitation, we used the DEMATEL method to establish the causal relationships among these dimensions and investigate their interdependence. Our findings may help coaches of various sports recognize the interdependence of athletes' psychological capital and maximizing their potential.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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