


Use the Technology Acceptance Model to Evaluate the Acceptance of Far Distance Reception System Usage




陳羅傑(Guang-Xun Shi);陳凱凌(Lou-Jei Chen)


遠距接見 ; 科技接受模型 ; 資訊系統成功模型 ; 結構方程模式 ; Far distance reception system ; Technology acceptance model ; Information system success model ; Structural equation model




5卷2期(2008 / 06 / 01)


17 - 32




矯正機構建置遠距接見系統,此項措施不僅提升矯正機關科技服務形象,亦可減少戒護人力、物力資源,相對降低因接見引發之戒護事故機率。完成資訊系統所費不貲,如何衡量、探討其接受程度,為學者努力目標。藉回顧文獻及歸納學者研究,Davis(1989)所提出之科技接受模型是評量度最佳的模組。Legris等學者(2003)研究,除了以TAM原型之「認知有用」以及「認知易用」為衡量主要構面,亦需整合相關外部變數來驗證。本文以DeLone及McLean(2003)提出之資訊系統成功模型之「資訊品質」和「系統品質」及林仲彬於2005年歸納之「組織因素」等三構面,為本文外部變數之驗證因素。再運用結構方程模式(SEM)加以驗證其配適度。 本文以全國各矯正機關遠距接見系統業務承辦人為對象,進行問卷調查。經研究驗證發現「資訊品質」、「系統品質」和「組織因素」確為影響遠距接見系統接受度的重要外生變數,且與TAM原型之各構面為正向相關。希本研究成果能供作政府機關遠距接見資訊系統推行之決策參考。


The Departments of Correction construct the Far Distance Reception System, it elevates the image of Departments of Correction in the service of science and technology. It also reduces the guard and control manpower, material resources that prevent the risk of the accidents caused by reception affairs. Information systems (IS) implementation is costly and has a relatively low success rate. How to get a better understanding of the process and outcomes? In 1989, Fred Davis suggested the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), but it has to be integrated into a broader one which would include variables related to both human and social change processes, and to the adoption of the innovation model. This research integrated Information System Success Model by DeLone and McLean (2003) with two components: ”Information Quality” and ”System Quality”, and adapted Lin (2005) ”Organization Factors”. Those three components were combined to be external variables of the TAM. And then use the equation way of the structure (Structural Equation Model; SEM) to prove the analyses. We aim on public officials who take charge of the IS of the Far Distance Reception System to carry on questionnaire investigation. We found that ”Information Quality”, ”System Quality”, and ”Organization Factors” are the important components to verify the acceptance of far distance reception system usage, we hope that our research can provide our country with good reference for the implementation of the Far Distance Reception System in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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