


The Cross Levels Research of MNE Depth Internationalization, Scope Internationalization, Technology Innovation Performance and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty




潘偉華(Wei-Hua Pan);張紘炬(Horng-Jinh Chang);王偉權(Wei-Chuan Wang);林紀璿(Chi-Hsuan Lin)


深度國際化 ; 廣度國際化 ; 技術創新績效 ; 知覺風險不確定性 ; Depth Internationalization ; Scope Internationalization ; Technology Innovation Performance ; Perceived Environmental Uncertainty




9卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


1 - 20






Internationalization has become an inevitable trend for the development of modern corporations. In recent years, the cement industry of Taiwan has been affected by the overall economic environment. The market projects tend to be saturated. Affected by this bad image, industry is always involved in the intervention of political force and the protests from the public. All these reactions have been forcing the corporations to walk on the road to internationalization, intending to create competitive advantages and grasp better opportunities in the market. In addition, comparing with the Japanese, European and American corporations, the size of the Taiwanese corporations is smaller, the categories of products are less, and the business area is narrower. The international strategy applicable to the European countries and the United States may not be applicable to the Taiwanese corporations. Above all, what corporation internationalization faces is an environment that is more complicated than the domestic market. Taiwanese corporations are more urgently in need of a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the theoretical structure of international strategy and international operation. To respond to this need, the study employs international strategy as the theoretical background, and places the research focus on: (1) Concrete contents of depth Internationalization, scope Internationalization, Technology Innovation Performance and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. (2) Process of Cross Levels internationalization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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