In the past, traditional industries led to economic take-off in Taiwan, with highly developed technology, the transformation of traditional industries are facing problems. The people are the most important assets in the enterprise, so retain and attract employee is the most important task. Only with high degree of job satisfaction in order to have good output and organizational loyalty, bring in huge profits for the enterprise. Past studies have pointed out that the Organizational Culture and Climate and job characteristics with both job satisfaction will have a significant impact, and organizational culture and climate will also have a significant impact on job characteristics, in addition to this study once again confirm this among the three relationship, and want to explore the job characteristics of the organizational culture and climate on job satisfaction, whether the intermediary between the results. Case's traditional industries, this study randomly selected for a comprehensive census of the two plants. The results show that organizational culture and climate characteristics of the work received partial support, and job characteristics on job satisfaction has received some support, organizational culture and climate on job satisfaction obtained significant positive support, and finally, the job characteristics in the organizational culture and climate on job satisfaction among a part of the intermediate results. The results can offer to the enterprise for the future management as a reference.
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