


Relationship among Perceived Peer Motivational Climate, Team Cohesion, Stress in Athletes




梁建弘(Liang Jian-Hong);許雅雯(Hsu Yawen)


成就目標 ; 同儕影響 ; 社會凝聚力 ; 工作凝聚力 ; achievement goal ; peer influence ; social cohesion ; task cohesion




25輯(2017 / 08 / 01)


27 - 38






Peer influence is one of the most important factors among senior high-school age students. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of perceived peer motivational climate, team cohesion, and stress in student athletes; as well as to examine the interaction effects of peer motivational climate and team cohesion. A total of 210 high-school student athletes participated in the study and 200 valid data were collected. Participants completed perceived peer motivational climate, team cohesion, and stress scales. Correlation analysis was conducted to explore the relationships among variables; hierarchical multiple regression analysis examined disjunctive and conjunctive effects. Research results showed that perceived task-involving climate and ego-involving climate were positively correlated to team cohesion. Findings from regression analysis illustrated that ego-involving climate positively predicted student athletes' life stress, and task-involving climate negatively predicted both life stress and training-related stress. Furthermore, the interaction of peer task-involving climate with interpersonal affinityand interpersonal attraction was significant. Based on the research results, theoretical and practical implications are discussed and research limitations are provided for research in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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