


The Effect of Positive Emotional Contagion to Training Involvement, Positive Team Affective Atmosphere, Team Resilience on College Athletes




張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang);林素婷(Suh-Ting Lin);黃國光(Kuo-Hung Huang);洪鯤豪(Kun-Hao Hong)


大學運動員 ; 正向情緒感染力 ; 訓練涉入 ; 團隊正向情緒氛圍 ; 團隊回復力 ; College Athletes ; Positive Emotional Contagion ; Training Involvement ; Positive Team Affective Atmosphere ; Team Resilience




14卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


31 - 47






The aim of this study was to verifying the influence relationship between positive emotional contagion, training involvement, positive team affective atmosphere and team resilience. The subject of study was the sports school teams of 20 schools selected by the clustering sampling from four areas of the country. 30 questionnaires were distributed to the sports team of each school, and a total of 426 questionnaires were collected from 17 schools, with the valid collection rate of 71 %. it is found after verification and analysis by PLS statistics that positive emotional contagion of athletes on teams will influence their training involvement positively, and will influence positive team affective atmosphere positively as well. Positive team affective atmosphere of athletes will influence team resilience positively, and training involvement of athletes will also influence team resilience positively. The results above can provide a reference for the school team management and coach team operation.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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