


Using Dance Games Leads to Explore the Relation of Experiencers' Flow, Experience Value, and Authentic Happiness




張珈瑛(Chia-Ying Chang)


新型冠狀病毒 ; 沉浸體驗 ; 體驗價值 ; 真實快樂 ; 舞力全開 ; COVID-19 ; Experiencers' Flow ; Experience Value ; Authentic Happiness ; Just Dance




19卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


119 - 143




COVID-19疫情對世界各地造成多重影響,台灣亦無能倖免。本研究旨在探討正處於此情況下,體驗者透過舞蹈遊戲的陪伴,其沉浸體驗、體驗價值、真實快樂之關係。本研究採用網路問卷調查法,建立google表單以滾雪球抽樣方式蒐集樣本,資料回收共355份正式問卷,回收有效問卷共317份,有效回收率達89.3%。統計分析方式運用SPSS 22.0及Smart PLS 3.0檢測軟體,進行量化研究,所得資料經分析後,獲得下列結果一、舞蹈遊戲體驗者沉浸體驗正向影響體驗價值、真實快樂;二、體驗價值正向影響真實快樂;三、體驗價值為中介變項,亦於沉浸體驗及真實快樂關係中擔任重要調節角色。最後,本文根據研究結果提出舞蹈遊戲設計以及未來研究之建議。


COVID-19 has multiple effects on anywhere in the world. In this situation, the purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between experiencers' flow, experience value, and authentic happiness through dance games. Using google form to collect samples by snowball sampling, with the total of 355 samples and 317 valid questionnaires, amounting to 89.3%. Quantitative research used statistical software, the results were experiencers' flow had significantly affected experience value and authentic happiness, and experience value had significantly affected authentic happiness. Experience value was the most important role about mediation and moderator analysis in this study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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