English has become an international language in the world of globalization. Except for the training of English language skills, the development of Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) should be emphasized during the process of English teaching and learning. This paper firstly clarifies the concept of ICC. Then, the two studies about understanding the ICC (cognitive, behavioral or affective) of university English learners, conducted in Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology, are discussed with examples. With the help of deep interviews and a intercultural sensitivity scale, the results of the two studies, after the procedure of data reading, coding, counting and categorization, indicate that the impact of Taiwan's English education and Mass communication, as well as negative personal factors, such as narrow-minded and deficient in reflective abilities, were major barriers to the development of these English learners' ICC. This paper ends with suggestions for the design of future University English Curriculum in five aspects: English language, cultures, teaching activities, assessments and teaching materials.
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