


A Research of Affects of Seniors Leisure Activities on Health-Promoting Lifestyles




柳立偉(Li-Wei Liu);徐志輝(Chih-Hui Hsu)


銀髮族 ; 休閒活動 ; 社會支持 ; Senior ; Leisure activities ; Social Support




15卷1期(2016 / 04 / 30)


78 - 91




研究目的:旨在探討銀髮族之休閒參與、社會支持、休閒行為、自覺健康狀況對健康促進生活型態之影響。方法:研究對象為臺灣中部地區政府合法立案之 安養中心與養護中心之銀髮族,以隨機抽樣發放250份問卷,扣除無效填答問卷30份,得到有效問卷220份,有效問卷回收率為88%。資料分析以SPSS for Windows 19.0與SmertPLS 2.0統計套裝軟體進行,統計分析方式包含描述性統計、項目分析、信效度分析及結構方程模式進行統計分析。結果:所得資料經統計分析後,本研究發現,銀髮族之「休閒參與」會正向影響「社會支持」及「健康促進生活型態」;銀髮族之「休閒行為」皆會正向影響「休閒參與」、「自覺健康狀況」及「健康促進生活型態」;銀髮族之「社會支持」會正向影響「自覺健康狀況」及「健康促進生活型態」;銀髮族之「自覺健康狀況」會正向影響「健康促進生活型態」。


Purpose: This study aims on exploring how the seniors of leisure participation, social support, leisure behavior, perceived health status affect the Health-promoting lifestyles. Methods: Subjects were 250 residents who lived in legal filing Seniors nursing home and maintenance centers in the central Taiwan, with a random sample of 250 questionnaires distributed and 250 questionnaires were collected, therefore 30 questionnaires invalid which respondents incomplete. There were 220 valid questionnaires and effective response rate was 88 %. The research adopted data analyzed with SPSS for Windows 19.0 and SmartPls 2.0 statistical software package to test the model in the study; analysis approach included descriptive statistics, item analysis, reliability and validity analysis and structural equation model for statistical analysis. Results: After statistical analysis of the resulting data, the study found that the seniors "leisure participation" positively effects the "social support " and " health-promoting lifestyle"; the seniors "leisure behavior" positively effects "leisure participation" , "perceived health status" and "health-promotion lifestyle"; Seniors "Social support" positively effects the "perceived health status" and "health-promotion lifestyle "; Seniors of "perceived health status" positively effects the "health-promoting lifestyle".

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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