


Research status and prospects of virtual communities in sports brands




陳則瑋(Che-Wei Chen);倪瑛蓮(Ying-Lien Ni)


運動品牌 ; 虛擬社群 ; 品牌行銷 ; sports brand ; virtual community ; brand marketing




22卷2期(2023 / 12 / 31)


106 - 119






In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of personal health, resulting in the prevalence of a sports culture. Numerous individuals exhibit a passion for various sports, such as basketball, volleyball, and fitness. Moreover, the internet's advancement has led to the emergence of diverse social platforms, enabling users to share their lifestyles and fashion through virtual communities that often incorporate sports elements. Sports brands have responded by developing products aimed at users from these two types of communities, with the goal of increasing their revenue. This study aims to investigate the existing research on virtual communities by conducting a literature review and analysis. Firstly, an analysis of the types and functions of virtual communities will be conducted. Secondly, relevant research on virtual communities will be synthesized, integrating the relationships and characteristics of virtual brand community awareness, identity, and participation. Lastly, suggestions and future prospects will be proposed for sports brands to effectively utilize virtual communities. Based on the research findings, it is suggested that sports brands can leverage the unrestricted time and space characteristics of virtual communities to gather opinions from users in different regions and involve consumers in co-developing sports products that cater to their diverse needs. Additionally, proper management of virtual community platforms is crucial for brand enterprises. By comprehensively operating virtual communities and adopting an open attitude towards user feedback, brands can foster a sense of identification among consumers, thereby increasing customer loyalty and sales for the enterprise.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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