


Estimating the Hedonic Price of Hot Spring Hotel: A Comparison between Taiwan and Japan


闕雅文(Ya-Wen Chiueh);鄧秋玲(Chiu-Ling Teng);鄧雁文(Yan-Wen Teng)


溫泉旅館 ; 特徵價格法 ; 隱含價格 ; hot spring hotel ; Hedonic Price Method ; implicit price




9卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


175 - 199




本文蒐集台灣烏來及礁溪、日本關東及九州之溫泉旅館資料進行實證研究,找出台灣烏來及日本關東地區溫泉旅館之特徵屬性與隱含價格,期望能尋覓台灣溫泉旅遊市場國際化之重要特徵,以提供業者及政府相關單位發展策略建議。研究發現區位、旅館設施、及溫泉水質特徵屬性為顯著影響溫泉旅館特徵隱含價格之因素。台灣溫泉旅館若能具備會議商旅、景觀休閒、溫泉三溫暖之多樣化的功能,著重於泉質之保障將較具經營利基。而日本溫泉旅館應維持日式風格並可增設游泳池,若有提供可信用卡刷卡之便利付款服務則較具經營利基。此一信用卡刷卡特徵為日本遊客所重視的特徵偏好,而烏來、礁溪溫 泉旅館中,可使用信用卡者幾達百分之百,為台灣旅館必備特徵,可吸納國際旅客;再者台灣溫泉旅館之綜合性休閒、商旅功能較為完備,未來經營可多加強泉質優點之推廣、與溫泉標章之認證,更能促進溫泉旅館國際化發展。


This research conducted empirical studies using data and information collected from hot spring hotels from Wulai, Jiaosi of Taiwan and Kanto and Kyushu of Japan. By comparing the characteristics and price differences between the hot spring hotels in Taiwan and Japan, this research hopes to establish the unique selling point for the internationalization of Taiwan's hot spring tourism market, and offer the government and business owners development plans and marketing strategies. The study shows that the three significant influencing factors of the implicit prices are location, facilities and the quality of the spring water. Moreover, the Taiwanese hotel will be better positioned in generating revenue if it's equipped with facilities for conferences and business travelers, have a nice view and a full-range spa with sauna, and maintains the quality of its spring water. The hotels in Japan, on the other hand, will be better off if they have a swimming pool and accept payment of credit cards. To be able to pay with a credit card is a specific preference that Japanese tourists value a lot, and almost 100% of hot spring hotels in Wulai and Jiaosi accept it. This is one characteristic shared by all Taiwan's hoteliers, which puts them in a good position to take in international tourists. Taiwan's hot spring hotels also offer more services for multi-entertainment and business trips. Therefore, the preparations for the internationalization of Taiwan's hot springs hotels should be sufficient, and it is suggested that businesses can implement certification systems for water qualities and hot springs qualities.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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