


Exploring Nursing Staff Intentions to Use a Blended E-learning System from an Integrative Perspective


趙正敏(Cheng-Min Chao);馬志民(Chih-Min Ma);鄭博文(Bor-Wen Cheng)


混合式數位學習系統 ; 個人對資訊科技創新性 ; Blended E-learning System (BELS) ; Personal Innovativeness in IT (PIIT)




12卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 31






This study proposed a conceptual model that investigated the factors affecting nurses’ intentions of using an e-learning system (BELS). This study integrated perceived risk, personal innovativeness in IT (PIIT), theory of planned behavior (TPB), and the technology acceptance model (TAM) to hypothesize a theoretical model, to explain and predict learners’ intentions of using BELS. Selfreporting questionnaires were distributed to local community hospitals, regional hospitals, and medical centers in Central Taiwan. From the 700 distributed questionnaires, this study received 513 completed questionnaires, yielding a response rate of 79.8%. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), the results showed that perceived behavior control, attitude, and subjective norms influenced BELS intentions. Perceived risk, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness had a major impact on using attitudes. In addition, the path coefficients of "perceived risk," "perceived usefulness" on "intention to use," and "PIIT" on ""attitude" were not significant. The study concludes with a presentation of a discussion of its limitations, and its implications in further research and practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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