


The Relationships among Logistics Management, Country-of-Origin Image, Extended Products and Customer Loyalty- Empirical Evidence from Kuroneko Tkyubin’s Customers in Taiwan


楊惠娥(Hui-O Yang);侯心雅(Sin-Ya Hou)


黑貓宅急便 ; 來源國形象 ; 延伸性產品 ; 顧客忠誠 ; Kuroneko Tkyubin ; Country-of-Origin Image ; Extended Products ; Customer Loyalty




12卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


33 - 64






This study investigates how Kuroneko Tkyubin’s country-of-origin image and extended products moderate the relationship between logistics management and customer loyalty. Kuroneko Tkyubin is the top of the business of home delivery service and has over 40% market share in Taiwan. Kuroneko Tkyubin is authorized and licensed from YAMATO Transport which has the highest market share in Japan’s home delivery market. This study examines how country-of-origin image influence consumers in Taiwan. In addition, Kuroneko Tkyubin has extended its services to provide the delivery of famous products home. This study also examines the perceiveness of customers after Kuroneko Tkyubin introduced the extended products. This study adopts both quantitative and qualitative methods, and 465 customers who had experience of using Kuroneko Tkyubin’s services were chosen. This research explores the relationship between five flows (goods flow, business flow, money flow, service flow and information flow) of Kuroneko Tkyubin and customer loyalty. Moreover, this study examines how country-of-origin image of Kuroneko Tkyubin and its extended products influence the relationships between the five flows and customer loyalty. The findings of research show that five flows, both in combination and individually, influence customer loyalty positively, and both country-of-origin image and extended products enhance influence of five flows on customer loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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