Since the High Speed Rail's operation, Taiwan’s transportation marketplace entered a new era. Due to its competitive service level at speed, convenience, green concern, and comfort, High Speed Rail not only makes great changes but plays a significant role in Taiwan's western transportation condition. Taiwan now is an aging society. Because of the physical situations for the elder, demands to redesign the traffic system and maintain the transportation safety are essential considerations for aged society commonly faced. For these years, Taiwan's transportation construction is becoming toward less barriers; however, there are still needs to improve, particularly while considering the elder's health situation. Thus, this study investigates the elder's perspectives on perceived values and on experimental perspectives regarding the service quality of the High Speed Rail. Moreover, this study also investigates factors influencing the elderly viewpoints of perceived services and their satisfaction and the gap between these two-perceived values and customers' satisfaction regarding High Speed Rail's service. This study utilizes one-by-one interview to actual elder passengers taking High Speed Rail. Based on results of factor analysis, One-way ANOVA, and Independent T-Test, this study discovers that due to their different situations of health condition, the gap between perceived values and satisfaction regarding the services of High Speed Rail exists. As a matter of fact, this study provides practical evidences to High Speed Rail to rethink how to improve their service quality for the elderly.
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