


The Correlation between Personality Traits and Leadership Styles of Administrators in Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools




黃惠敏(Hui-Min Huang)


行政主管 ; 人格特質 ; 領導方式 ; administrator ; personality trait ; leadership style




7卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


61 - 76






This study explored the correlation between personality traits and leadership styles of administrators in elementary schools and junior high schools. This study classified personality traits as ”openness to experience”, ”conscientiousness”, and ”agreeableness”; and classified leadership styles as ”high initiating and high consideration”, ”high initiating and low consideration”, ”low initiating and high consideration”, and ”low initiating and low consideration”. Investigating the differences between personality traits and leadership styles of administrators from different backgrounds. This study determined a correlation between personality traits and leadership styles to predict leadership styles in personality traits. One hundred forty-three elementary school and junior high school administrators were selected by convenience sampling in Taiwan. The subjects were administered according to the Basic Data Scale, Personality Trait Scale, and Leadership Style Scale. A frequency distribution, t test, one-way ANOVA, canonical correlation, and multiple regression were used for the data analysis. The findings of this research are as follows. 1. There are significant differences in ”openness to experience” and ”conscientiousness” of personality traits between administrators in elementary schools and junior high schools. There are no significant differences in personality traits among different positions. 2. There are significant differences in ”low initiating and high consideration”, ”high initiating and high consideration”, and ”high initiating and low consideration” between administrators in elementary schools and junior high schools. There are no significant differences in leadership styles among different positions. 3. There is a positive correlation between ”low initiating and high consideration”, ”high initiating and high consideration”, ”high initiating and low consideration” and personality traits. There is a positive correlation between ”conscientiousness” and ”high initiating and low consideration”. 4. ”Openness to experience” and ”agreeableness” can positively predict ”low initiating and high consideration” and ”high initiating and high consideration”. ”Openness to experience” and ”conscientiousness” can positively predict ”high initiating and low consideration”. ”Openness to experience” can positively predict ”low initiating and low consideration”.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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