


The Relationship between Nurse's Well-being and Workplace Friendship: The Mediating Effect of Team-Member Exchange Quality


酆玲玲(Ling-Ling Feng);蘇文凱(Wen-Kai Su);劉彩娥(Tsai-Er Liu);李明輝(Ming-Huei Lee)


護理人員 ; 幸福感 ; 團體成員交換關係品質 ; 職場友誼 ; nurse ; well-being ; team-member exchange quality ; workplace friendship




9卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 10




面對冰冷工作環境及高工作壓力的護理人員,職場上所感受到的幸福感氛圍是否足以作為護理同儕間友誼調和之關鍵角色?本研究目的在於探討護理人員對所屬單位所營造出來的幸福感氛圍,是否會直接或間接影響其個人與同儕間之關係品質及友誼。並以問卷方式收集資料,共發出350份問卷,刪除無效問卷後,有效問卷為301份,且採用結構方程模式(SEM)進行研究假設之實證。經過分析與驗證後,發現:1.幸福感對團體成員交換關係品質有顯著正向影響;2.團體成員交換關係品質對職場友誼有顯著正向影響;3. 幸福感會透過團體成員交換關係品質的完全中介而影響職場友誼。另在本文中亦討論研究限制以及未來研究參考。


Does it clear? That the perceived well-being from workplace of the nurse who face the cold environment and high pressure would positively affect workplace friendship. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the authenticity degree that a nursing staff shows to the well-being, can directly or indirectly to personal psychological agreement and workplace friendship. After deleting 49 invalid questionnaires, we got 301 effective ones. We used structural equation modeling (SEM) to test our hypotheses. Results: We have found that: 1. well-being positively affected team-member exchange quality; 2. team-member exchange quality positively affected workplace friendship; 3. team-member exchange quality mediated the relationship between well-being and workplace friendship. In the paper, we also discussed some practical implications for nurse management and provide some ideas suggestions for future researches.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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