


An Assessment of Value Creation Impact on Behavior Intention to Mobile Value-Added Service Delivery




黃淑姿(Shu-Tzu Huang);李冠穎(Kuan-Yin Lee);許英傑(Yin-Chech Hsu)


行動加值服務 ; 創新特徵 ; 知覺價值 ; 行為意圖 ; Mobile Value-Added Service ; Innovation Characteristic ; Perceived Value ; Behavior Intention




12卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


41 - 71




隨著行動商務發展,使原本只是溝通工具的行動電話,功能下斷延伸至付款交易、娛樂服務等,儼然成為一大新興服務領域,亦是實務及學術上的重點課題。相較於日本、歐美行動服務市場的普及,台灣仍有很大成長空間。因此,探究消費者對於行動加值服務需求,創造顧客價值,為電信業者營運及行銷重點,本研究以方法目的鏈模型(Means-End model)為理論基礎,依據知覺創新特徵(Perceived Characteristics of Innovations, PCI)架構將創新特徵分類成利益及成本二個部份,利益部份包括時間便利性、服務相容性,可試驗性、及可觀察性,成本部份包括知覺風險及認知努力,以衡量消費者對於行動加值服務的認知,並據以創造知覺功能、享樂及社會三種價值,進而產生使用及推薦行動加值服務的意圖。並以AMOS6.0進行模型配適度分析結果顯示:服務相容性對功能價值及社會價值影響最大,可觀察性則最能提升享樂價值、而功能、享樂及社會價值皆會正向影響使用意圖與推薦意圖。最後,本研究據以提出管理意涵及未來研究建議。


With the emergence of high speed wireless network technologies and the increasing market penetration of mobile phones, the telecom industry is using this medium as a means of marketing communication is rising. Compared with Japan, Europe, and the United States, the service of mobile phone in Taiwan is growing. The key point of telecom company, therefore, aims to explore the needs of consumers, and improve the value of the mobile value-added service. Regarded to Means-End model, the authors developed a framework with five mode-specific benefit and cost extended from innovation diffusion theory. To provide benefits such as shortening user's time (or time saving), convenience, service compatibility, trialability (or the will to try), and observability. Also, the costs of perceived risk and cognitive effort as antecedents of perceived value such as utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value. We stepped in advance of investigating the relationship between perceived value and behavior intention. As survey indicated, research model was verified by AMOS6.0. Our findings indicated that service compatibility has a significant effect on utilitarian value and social value. Meanwhile, observability has a significant effect on hedonic value. Utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value are in turn the primary antecedent of behavior intentions. Finally, this article drew the conclusion with implications for service provider as part of mobile value-added service, and directions for future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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