


Understanding Uncertainty and Trust in Online Shoppers' Purchase Intensions




喻奉天(Vincent F. Yu);蘇國瑋(Chris K.W. Su);許孟祥(Meng-Hsiang Hsu);王昭文(Jau-Wen Wang);林盈君(Ying-Chun Lin)


網路購物 ; 不確定性 ; 信任 ; 科技授受模式 ; 購買意願 ; on-line shopping ; uncertainty ; trust ; Technology Acceptance Model TAM ; purchase intentions




12卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


431 - 455






Since the internet is popular, B2C (Business to Consumer) has received considerable attention and increases in online shopping population. Some online shoppers perceive that online transaction has many uncertainties, so trust in e-vendor is influenced. Accordingly, the repurchase intention of on-line shoppers is lower. Therefore, this paper propose an integrated model to explore the source of perceived uncertainty and combine Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the effect of trust and uncertainty on online shoppers' repurchase intention. Data was collected through questionnaires and then analyzed using Structure Equation Model (SEM). The results indicate that trust will affect purchase intentions through perceived usefulness; perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will affect purchase intentions directly. About uncertainties, perceived relationship uncertainty will reduce trust directly, but perceived environmental uncertainty decrease trust indirectly through perceived relationship unce rtainty. The results of this study may help managers of e-vendor manage their websites more effectively and increase members' repurchase intentions to obtain more business profit.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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