
會員制網站成員黏著意圖之決定因素研究:以華人第一時尚美容網站Fashion Guide為例


Determinants of Membership Websites' Stickiness Intentions: An Empirical Study of Fashion Guide Website




池文海(Wen-Hai Chih);許立群(Li-Chun Hsu)


知覺網站品質 ; 投資模型 ; 承諾-信任理論 ; 黏著意圖 ; 知覺習慣 ; Perceived Website quality ; investment model ; commitment-trust theory ; CTT ; stickiness intentions ; perceived habits




15卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


265 - 294




美妝網站的興起,已成為人們獲得所需保養品資訊的不可或缺工具。本研究從長期觀點,採用承諾-信任理論的關係行銷理論典範進行理論的發展,探討哪些因子是業者經營會員制網站成功的決定因素,本研究主張可將其決定因子劃分為以系統觀點的知覺網站品質及個人觀點的投資模型兩大觀點。研究對象為持續使用Fashion Guide網站至少一年以上的會員,共計409位有效樣本。本研究採用結構方程模式進行模式檢驗,其模式配適度佳。結果發現,除了知覺網站品質、替代品品質及投資規模皆會影響使用者的信任與情感性承諾及計算性承諾之外;在間接效果部分,知覺網站品質會透過信任與計算性承諾間接影響使用者的黏著意圖,而替代品品質與投資規模亦會透過計算性承諾間接影響使用者的黏著意圖。而外在因素的知覺習慣除了會直接影響使用者的黏著意圖之外,在知覺習慣上,使用者的信任對使用者的黏著意圖影響亦具有顯著正向調節效果。最後,提出結論與實務管理上意涵。


The rise of beauty Websites has become an indispensable tool for people to obtain information of skin care products. A research model of maintaining a successful membership beauty website was developed based on the commitment-trust theory (CTT) of the relationship marketing paradigm. This study proposes two determinants, including the perceived site quality of Website interfaces (system-based) and investment models (person-based). The research sample consists of 409 members who had used Fashion Guide Website for more than a year. This research adopts Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the proposed model and the structural model shows a good fit. The results indicated that perceived Website quality, quality of alternatives and investment size directly influenced the user's trust, affective commitment and calculative commitment, respectively. In the indirect effects, perceived Website quality appeared to indirectly influence stickiness intentions via trust and calculative commitment. Quality of alternatives and investment size appeared to indirectly influence stickiness intentions via calculative commitment. In addition, perceived habits directly influenced stickiness intentions and also moderated the effect of trust on stickiness intentions. This study also provides conclusions and practical implications to marketers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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