


Relationships among Online Shopping Service Failure Types, Service Recovery Strategies, Perceived Justice, and Satisfaction with Service Recovery




郭英峰(Ying-Feng Kuo);伍啟銘(Chi-Ming Wu);楊書成(Shu-Chen Yang);顏士庭(Shih-Ting Yen)


服務失誤 ; 補救策略 ; 認知公平 ; 補救後滿意度 ; 線上購物涉入程度 ; Service failure ; service recovery strategies ; perceived justice ; post-recovery satisfaction ; online shopping involvement




16卷1期(2014 / 03 / 27)


53 - 84






The issue of service quality is getting important in the context of cyberspace. Compared with brick-and-mortar, online retail store may occur more service problems during service delivery. Due to the characteristics of service, failures are unavoidable therefore how to correct the failure and compensate customers still unclear. This study applied scenarios method to discover the effect of recovery strategies on customer perceived justice and customer satisfaction with service recovery in various failure types; further, the moderator effect of online shopping involvement on the relationship between customer perceived justice and customer satisfaction with service recovery was also investigated. Results based on 228 valid respondents indicated that the interaction of service failure type and service recovery has significant effects on customer perceived justice. Further, online shopping involvement has moderating effect on the relationship between customer perceived justice and satisfaction.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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