


Surrounding Visually at All Time - An Exploratory Study on the Entertainment with Virtual Reality Devices through a Means-End Chain Approach




陳宜棻(Yi-Fen Chen);陳品全(Pin-Chuan Chen);賴靖憲(Jing-Sian Lai)


虛擬實境 ; 方法目的鏈 ; 價值階層圖 ; 娛樂性 ; 使用意願 ; Virtual reality ; means-end chain ; hierarchical value map ; entertainment ; intention




25卷1期(2023 / 04 / 30)


1 - 36






Under the development of technology products, as well as the popularity of smartphones environment, mobile computing, and visual display monitors technology were advance. In recent years the industry close attention to Virtual Reality (VR), and into investment and development for VR devices. This study adopted Means-End Chain (MEC), and utilized Laddering as the main tool when conducting in-depth interviews with 50 users who have experiences in using on the entertainment intention with the Virtual reality devices, through means and end of the link structure, step one by one guide from the lower deck dominant external concrete to the abstract hidden top-level internal and draw the Hierarchy Value Map (HVM), based on Attributes, Consequences and Values. Consequences and value result and summarize the definition of the value of the ultimate goal of using virtual reality devices and hierarchical value map. Analytical results indicate that attributes of using novel interesting, images fusion and immersive. The consequences are flow experience, experienced, detachment from reality. Sense of belonging and identity, accomplishment, well-being are the main values and purposes that the users of virtual reality pursue. Marketing implication and future research directions were discussed at the end of this study.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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