


Is It Good to Study Abroad? Exploring the Effects of Overseas Learning Experience to Job Performance with Psychological Capital


謝廷豪(Ting-Hao Hsieh);廖元良(Yuan-Liang Liao);蔡侑道(Tsai, Yu-Tao)


工作壓力源 ; 工作績效 ; 自我復原力 ; 海外學習經驗 ; 挫折容忍力 ; work stressors ; job performance ; ego-resilience ; overseas learning experiences ; frustration tolerance




43期(2022 / 03 / 01)


71 - 99






Debates surrounding whether overseas study experience is beneficial have been ongoing. According to the findings by Robbins (2001) on the effect of stressors on job performance, this study explored how students with overseas learning experiences during their university years and those without such experiences differ in their frustration tolerance and self-resilience. This facilitated analyzing the moderating role of overseas study experience on the effect of challenge and hindrance stressors on job performance. Of the 450 copies of a questionnaire distributed to full-time employees, 411 were returned with valid responses, constituting a valid return rate of 91.33%. The responses were examined through a t-test and hierarchical regression analysis, revealing a significant difference between employees with overseas study experiences and those without such experiences in terms of their self-resilience and frustration tolerance. Challenge stressors positively influenced job performance, whereas hindrance stressors negatively affected it. Frustration tolerance effectively moderated the relationship between challenge stressors and job performance, whereas self-resilience effectively moderated the relationship between hindrance stressors and job performance. Accordingly, students are recommended to study abroad during their school years to acquire cross-cultural experience, strengthen psychological capital, and reinforce their soft and hard power, such as professional knowledge and skills. In addition to improving students' values and job experience, overseas study experiences enhance their stress resistance at work and in turn improve their job performance.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 機械工程
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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