


Reliability and Validity Test of a Statistics Anxiety Scale




郭國禎(Gwo-Jen Guo);駱芳美(Fang-Mei Law)


統計焦慮 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; statistics anxiety ; validity ; reliability




33卷1期(2011 / 05 / 01)


23 - 35




本研究的主要目的是在修訂統計焦慮量表的題項並考驗其信度與效度。以240名教育與諮商相關系所的學生爲樣本,將所得的資料進行項目分析,結果顯示本量表30個題項均具有良好的同質性與鑑別度。接著進行探索性的因素分析而將30個題項歸類成三個因素,分別命名爲統計學習過程的焦慮感、統計考試的心理焦慮感以及統計考試的生理焦慮感,三個因素的解釋變異量爲56.77%。研究者再以504位教育與諮商科系的大學生與研究所學生爲樣本進行驗證性分析,以結構方程模式進行驗證性因素分析,進一步複核此量表的因素結構及信度,結果顯示三因素的結構模式達到合理的適配程度,量表中的30個題目能分別被此三個因素所解釋。最後研究者採Cronbach Alpha內部一致性考驗,檢核此三個因素及整份量表的內部一致性,結果發現與上述驗證性分析中之建構信度頗爲一致,皆具有.80以上之信度水準。研究結果顯示本量表具有良好的效度與信度,可適切的測量出大學生與研究生的統計焦慮情形。最後研究者提出數點建議作爲未來進行相關研究時的參考。


This study aims to retest the reliability and validity of a culturally/linguistically appropriate statistics anxiety scale developed in 2005. The pilot sample consisted of 240 education or counseling-related undergraduate and graduate majors from a university in central Taiwan. Item analysis indicated a significant correlation between each of the 30 items and the total scale. Factor analysis found that three factors accounted for 56.77% of the variance, namely learning anxiety, test anxiety and physical anxiety toward statistics. Another 504 education or counseling- related undergraduate and graduate majors from five universities in central and southern Taiwan were then sampled to further validate the scale's reliability and validity. Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit and confirmed that the 30 items could be explained by the above three latent factors. The Alpha coefficient of the scores from this inventory ranged from .887 to .924 and was .962 for the entire inventory, indicating the strong reliability of this scale. Based on these results, suggestions are made for further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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