


The Relationship among Career Self-efficacy, Career Adaptability and Work Adjustment of Adult Workers in Taiwan


楊淑涵(Shu-Han Yang);田秀蘭(Hsiu-Lan Tien);吳欣倫(Hsin-Lun Wu);朱惠瓊(Hui-Chuang Chu)


生涯自我效能 ; 生涯調適力 ; 個人自我成長 ; 生活滿意度 ; 工作適應 ; career self-efficacy ; career adaptability ; personal growth initiative ; life satisfaction ; work adjustment




37卷1期(2015 / 05 / 01)


21 - 42






This study explored how the different demographic background of adult Taiwan workers affect their career self-efficacy, career adaptability and work adjustment, and the relationship among these variables. In addition, we proposed a hypothesis model to explain the relationship between career adaptability, career self-efficacy and work adjustment. The participants were 493 adult workers (Male=180; Female=313) in northern Taiwan. They completed the Career Self-efficacy Scale, Career Adaptability Scale, Personal Growth Initiative Scale, and Life Satisfaction Scale. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, MANOVA, and SEM. The findings indicated that (1) the gender, educational level, marital status and occupational category of the adult workers resulted in significant differences in their career self-efficacy;(2) the educational level and occupational category of the adult workers resulted in significant differences in their career adaptability; (3)the educational level, marital status and occupational category of the adult workers resulted in significant differences in their degree of personal growth initiative and life satisfaction; and (4) the proposed model of causal relationship among career self-efficacy, career adaptability and work adjustment was partially supported. The findings were discussed. Implications for practice and further research were also provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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