


The Ethical Issues over Dual Relationship in the Workplace Counseling Service Offered by Employee Assistance Programs


施丁仁(Shih, Ting-Jen);陳源滄(Chen, Yuan-Chang);王智弘(Wang, Chih-Hung)


員工協助方案 ; 專業倫理 ; 雙重關係 ; Employee Assistance Programs ; workplace counseling ; professional ethics ; dual relationship




39卷2期(2017 / 11 / 01)


55 - 77






The purpose of this study is to explore the ethical Issues over dual relationship in the workplace counseling services offered by Employee Assistance Programs. In this study, a deep interview method was used to interview three employee assistance program professionals. The sample data was analyzed based on the template analysis. The results showed that: 1. EAPs professionals who are involved in workplace counseling service tend to be involved in dual relationships ethical issues. 2. Workplace counselors face the struggle and conflict of interest conflicts when they face the ethical issues of dual relationships. 3. EAPs professionals should adopt multiple strategies to deal with the ethical issues of the dual relationship: (1) Actively face the ethical issues of the dual relationship. Its strategies include: a) Adjusting and maintaining professional roles to meet the requirements of the organization's environment. b) Adjusting and maintaining distance or involvement in social activities. (2) To make good use of resource linkages and referrals to deal with complex dual relationships. Its strategies include: a) The use of referral and concatenation of administrative resources. b) The provision of external resources. c) The direct referral of external resources. Based on the results, this study proposes suggestions for the program practitioners, ethics code revision, ethical education planning, and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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