


Discussion on the Organizational Support, Supervisor Support and Job Engagement of Nursing Staff - in a Regional Hospital in Central Taiwan




洪淑貞(Shu-Chen Hung);林淑卿(Shu-Chin Lin);蘇文凱(Wen-Kai Su)


臨床護理人員 ; 組織支持 ; 主管支持 ; 知覺被信任 ; 敬業貢獻度 ; nurse ; organizational support ; supervisor support ; feeling trusted ; job engagement




25卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


13 - 26




目的:探討護理人員知覺到的組織支持、主管支持,是否會直接或間接影響到其工作敬業貢獻度。方法:本研究採橫斷式設計,主要運用結構方程模式(SEM)分析法檢測研究假設是否成立。本研究於台灣中部某醫院進行,以結構式問卷方式收集資料,以臨床護理人員為研究對象,共回收有效問卷373份,有效回收率為93.25%。結果:護理人員所知覺到的組織支持將正向影響其知覺被信任的程度(ß =.53, p <.01),並完全中介地能進一步提高其本身敬業貢獻的幅度(ß=.43, p<.001);相同地,護理人員所知覺到的主管支持也正向影響其知覺被信任的程度(ß =.66, p<.01),並完全中介地進一步提高其本身敬業貢獻的表現(ß =.43, p<.001)。結論:基於本研究發現,建議醫療院所朝向制定「員工協助方案」的方式來強化職場制度化支持系統,並加強管理階層主管支持的意識,也建議可致力於塑造關懷的氛圍,並鼓勵醫療院所內的全體同仁相互支持與回饋,透過營造支持性環境以激發護理人員工作意願與熱忱,促進其專業貢獻。


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate if the organizational support and supervisor support that a nursing staff perceived in the workplace support can affect their job engagement. Methods: The study ultized a cross-sectional design. Data were collected by a structured questionnaire and were analyzed by structural equation models (SEM) to test our hypotheses. A total of 373 effective clinical nursing staff respondents were recruited. Results: Feeling trusted mediated the relationship between organizational support(ß=.53, p<.01) and job engagement (ß=.43, p<.001), and feeling trusted also mediated the relationship between supervisor support (ß=.66, p<.01) and job engagement (ß=.43, p<.001). Conclusion: This study brings some advices that hospital ought to establish the system of employee assistance programs and enhance the conscious of management class for the supervisor support. This study suggests that creating sharing organization atmosphere, encouraging employees to support reciprocally, and giving informative feedback from supervisors were useful to establish supportive nursing workplace.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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