


Research on the Psychological Capital and Job Satisfactory of Northern High School Physical Education Teachers




王俊傑(Chun-Chieh Wang);王元聖(Yuan-Sheng Wang)


正向心理學 ; 自我效能感 ; 樂觀 ; 希望 ; 韌性 ; positive psychology ; self-efficacy ; optimism ; hope ; resilience




36期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 11






This research was aimed to investigate the influence of psychological capital of northern high school physical education teachers on the job satisfactory. Research method: Questionnaires were given to 341 high school physical education teachers, with 308 effective questionnaires returned, accounting 90% of the questionnaires recovered. Tools for questionnaire measurement were psychological capital and job satisfactory. Quantitative data was explored using simultaneous regression analysis to investigate the relationship and influences. Results: (1) Psychological capital and job satisfactory showed a significant positive relationship. (2) The relationship between aspects in psychological capital and job satisfactory were as follow: Self-efficacy, optimism and hope showed relationship in the satisfactory of the nature of the job; Hope and resilience showed relationship in the satisfactory among colleagues; Self-efficacy and management satisfactory showed a relationship; for other aspects in psychological capital, they did not show any relationship with the satisfactory of the administration process. (3) The aspects that showed influence towards the job satisfactory were: The nature of the job (23%), colleagues (18%) and management (4%) had partial influence, but did not show any effect on the administration process. Conclusion: Under positive psychology, high school physical education teacher shows a more satisfied mood in education job and the interpersonal relationship among colleagues. The interaction with superiors and attitude of doing works were more harmonious. This does not only have positive helps on physical education teaching, it also increases self-satisfaction in the workplace. Hence, it was suggested that the physical education teachers in northern high schools raise their psychological capital and thus achieving a higher job satisfactory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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