


Effect of Physical Fatigue on Equilibrium Performance in Volleyball Players




何金山(Chin-Shan Ho);林國全(Kuo-Chuan Lin);陳登相(Deng-Xiang Chen)


足底壓力中心 ; 綜合性肌肉疲勞 ; 運動傷害 ; center of pressure ; general muscle fatigue ; sports injuries




36期(2014 / 12 / 01)


13 - 24




目的:探討優秀排球運動員於疲勞運動前後的動、靜態平衡差異。方法:本研究以十二名大專優秀男子排球選手為受試者進行30秒雙腳靜態平衡量(Static Balance, SB)、動態平衡(Dynamic Balance, DB)、疲乏靜態平衡(Fatigue Static Balance, FSB)、疲乏動態平衡(Fatigue DynamicBalance, FDB),透過測力板量測足底壓力中心(Center of Pressure, COP)的變化。將所獲資料以Matlab軟體自行撰寫程式分析COP的偏移半徑、COP移動速度,以及COP移動所涵蓋的面積,並以二因子變異數分析(two-way ANOVA),考驗其差異性。結果:結果顯示,綜合性疲勞運動後,靜、動態平衡在COP的偏移半徑、COP移動速度,以及COP移動所涵蓋的面積所得資料皆顯著的較高。結論:身體疲勞會影響身體平衡能力,當球員產生運動疲勞時就需要休息以避免運動傷害的發生。


Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of before and after physical fatigue on static and dynamic equilibrium performance in volleyball players. Method: Twelve inter-colleague elite male volleyball players were recruited in this study to implement static balance (SB), dynamic balance (DB), fatigue static balance (FSB), and fatigue dynamic balance (FDB) and measure the center of pressure (COP) by force plate. Experimental data regarding the force plate were analysed using a computer program written in MATLAB to calculate the radius of Center of Pressure (COP), velocity of Center of Pressure (COP) shifting, and square of Center of Pressure (COP). Two-way ANOVA was conducted to examine differences in the variables. Results: The results reveled that FSB and FDB were significant bigger than SB and DB at all aspects after the general muscle fatigue protocol. Conclusion: The equilibrium capability might be reduced by general fatigue. Thus, the players need to take a rest to prevent sports injuries after fatigue.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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