


The Research of Shooting Training: An Example of Air Pistol




嚴雅婷(Ya-Ting Yen)


閉鎖性運動 ; 瞄準 ; 精確 ; 穩定性 ; 全面性訓練 ; closed motor skill ; aiming ; accuracy ; stability ; comprehensive training




55期(2019 / 09 / 01)


31 - 47






Shooting is a type of closed motor skill that emphasizes the stability of the action execution and the accuracy of the target aiming, especially in the competitions of air pistol, which require high accuracy and high stability performance. It is helpful to facilitate the development of shooting sports by establish a comprehensive training concept, and it should started with understanding the knowledge of theories and then applies it to practical training. The contributions to the improvement of shooting performance including the muscle strength training of different body muscle groups, training of body balance ability, training of psychological skills, application of electroencephalogram (EEG) to shooting sports and training of shooting technique. How to systematically and scientifically integrate these training methods, and to implement in daily training, should be focus when programming the future training. Therefore, this article aimed on introducing the different aspect of shooting sport as physiology, psychology and skill domain, then lead to the methods of training and evaluation accordingly, and through the different weighting of each domain on training different skill levels' player to finally bring about the comprehensive training concept which expected to help coaches to their future training program and to train up more excellent shooting players.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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