The purpose of the study is two-fold: to describe psychological preferences of job characteristics among Taiwanese employees; to examine the effects of lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics on employees' work attitudes and life satisfaction. Our analyses were based on data from 2005 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), using nationwide representative sample of 1,122 individuals with full-time jobs. Both personal preferences and actual job characteristics were measured basing on Super's (1970) Work Values Scale, including seven dimensions: job security, income, promotion, interesting work, independence, helping people, and benefiting the society. Main findings are as below: 1. Overall lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics has negatively related to employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and positively related to employees' turnover intention.2. Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics along dimensions of job security, income, promotion, and interesting work predicted employees' job satisfaction; those along dimensions of job security, income, interesting work and helping people predicted employees' organizational commitment; those along dimensions of job security, promotion, interesting work and benefiting the society predicted employees' turnover intention.
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蔡維奇、紀乃文、陳皓怡、楊美玉、鄭妃君(2007)。個人─工作適配量表發展:多元構面觀點。2007 年TAOM 學術論文研討會,臺北市: