


Teachers' Professional Development Based on Natural Aesthetic Experience




楊忠斌(Chung-Ping Yang)


自然美感經驗 ; 自然美學 ; 教師專業發展 ; aesthetic of nature ; natural aesthetic experience ; teachers' professional development




35期(2021 / 06 / 01)


81 - 101






Theories and practices of teachers' professional development almost focus more on improvement of educational profession knowledge than life of teachers. Researches of educational aesthetics seldom apply natural aesthetic experiences on teachers' professional development. This study aims at using literature analysis as the method, supplemented by interview, to inquire the meaning, function and implementation of teachers' professional development based on natural aesthetic experience. The meaning of this approach is to enrich teachers' life experience, and enlighten their reflection on daily life, teaching, vocation, and life meaning, then can improve professional competence further more. There are six functions of teachers' professional development based on natural aesthetic experience as: improving the will to engage teachers' professional development actively; affording the resource of innovation ideas on curriculum and teaching; improving competence of classroom management; affording effects on physical and psychological therapy; enforcing literacy of environmental education; promoting quality of life and life wisdom. Finally, this study also provides some principles and suggestions of implementation for elementary and junior high schools.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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