The essence of nursing is "people-oriented" health care. The important elements are maintenance of people, environment, health and care. Based on the joint response to the United Nations sustainable development goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)), a total of 17 major items. Including factors such as environmental and climate change, economic fluctuations and social equality. Initiated by SDG3 to strive for direction and milestones with health and well-being. Ensuring the disadvantaged groups and promoting the healthy life and well-being of all age groups. However, the patient-centered care concept and the 5G new generation high-performance technology trend. Commitment to sustainable care for creating a high-quality workplace and staff retention. Taiwan started to build a nursing information system since the 2000 millennium (Nursing Information System, NIS). Fully promote paperless of electronic medical records. Strengthen the soft power of the foundation construction of the core competence in the nursing professional field. Spanning the past, present and future of technological nursing. Uncover the key that drives today's smart healthcare. Given that the Ministry of Health and Welfare put forward the "Invest in Smart Care'' policy in 2018. Given that the Ministry of Health and Welfare put forward the "Invest in Smart Care'' policy in 2018. Leading the joint promotion of "Proactive Nursing 2030 Technological Nursing". Perfect combination of advanced innovative technology and empirical nursing. Extended application to personalized health value-added services. Extend the application of personalized health value-added services to create a positive energy of social respect and trust, a high-quality workplace and a new situation of "good care" professional value.
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