


The Curriculum Purpose of College Yoga




杜光玉(Kuang-Yu Tu);簡秋暖(Chiu-Nuan Chien);劉雅文(Ya-Wen Liu)


體育課程 ; 內容分析法 ; 體育課程目標架構 ; 興趣選項 ; Physical Education Curriculum ; Documentary Analysis ; Purpose Process Curriculum Framework (PPCF) ; Elective Physical Education Courses




14卷1期(2019 / 05 / 01)


1 - 26




目的:本研究旨在透過內容分析法瞭解大專校院瑜珈課程目標比例及其與 「體育課程目標架構」(Purpose Process Curriculum Framework, PPCF)之差異性。方法:以Jewett, Bain與Ennis(1995)之體育課程目標架構(PPCF)中之3個關鍵概念、7個主要概念及23個目標做為理論基礎,透過內容分析法分析教育部(2017a)技專校院資源網106學年度第1學期瑜珈課程目標。結果:一、大專校院瑜珈課程目標比例:(一)個人發展:42.93%;(二)環境週遭:0.29%;(三)社會互動:25.01%;(四)其他無法歸類於PPCF者佔31.77%,其內容分為瑜珈學習及附加價值兩大闗鍵目標;二、瑜珈課程目標與體育課程目標的差異部分,大專校院瑜珈課程目標較缺乏PPCF中之:(一)個人發展:挑戰;(二)環境週遭:空間的知覺、位置改變、關聯性、重心轉移、物體投擲、物體傳接;(三)社會互動:表達、澄清、團隊合作、競賽、領導、活動的欣賞以及多元文化敏感度。結論:瑜珈課程目標關鍵概念以個人發展之比例最高,環境週遭則呈現比例過低之情形;大專校院瑜珈課程目標與PPCF有著相當多的差異,具有其特殊性。


The purpose of this study was to understand the status of the yoga curriculum in colleges and the differences with PPCF through content analysis. Methods: Took the three main purpose, seven mid-goals and twenty-three basic goals in the Purpose Process Curriculum Framework (PPCF) by Jewett and Ennis (1995) as the theoretical basis, analyzed by content analysis, to understood the data of current yoga class in course information website of ministry of education (2017). The following results were summarized after analyzing the relevant literatures: 1. The curriculum purpose of Yoga: (1) Individual Development, 42.48%; (2) Environmental Coping, 0.26%; (3) Social Interaction, 23.60%; (4) The others: 33.66%. 2. Summarized the purpose of yoga courses in tertiary institutions in Taiwan, they lacks a few aspects: (1) Individual Development: Challenge, (2) Environmental Coping: Awareness, Relocation, Relationship, Maneuvering weight, Object projection, Object reception; (3) Social Interaction: Expression, Clarification, Teamwork, Competition, Leadership, Movement appreciation, Multicultural sensitivity, Among the purpose of college yoga courses, those who can not be classified as PPCF are yoga studies and additional value. Conclusion: The individual development was the highest purpose in the key concepts of curriculum. But environmental coping ratio was too low. When the PPCF system was used to analyze the purpose of yoga in universities, it was found that the purpose of yoga were unique, it's different from PPCF.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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