Purpose: The first purpose of this study was to examine the learning effects of Action-Refleciton (AR) strategy integrated into Sport Education (SE) for basketball skill, games performance, personal and social responsibility and learning strategy in physical education. The second purpose was to investigate the experiences of teachers and students in ARSE model. Method: Students of two classes from different junior high schools in Northern Taiwan were recruited as participants (n=55, average age=14.80 ± 0.60). Pre-experiment design was adopted in this study, and used qualitative method to investigate experience of process at same time. "Basketball Skill Test, Games Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) and Learning Strategies Scale of Physical Education" were used for pre- and post-test. The quantitative data used paired sample t-test as statistical analysis method. The qualitative was collected through teaching journal, reflection journal, communication book and review of program. this quantitative data was analyzed through inductive thematic analysis. Result: The findings of the results indicated "ARSE" model had significant learning effects for the basketball skill, game performance, and learning strategy in physical education. In experience of process, Students felt positive learning atmosphere, learning motivation, learning performance and leadership improvement. Teacher's teaching ability was improved in Teacher's opinion. Conclusion: The "ARSE" model could improve learning effects in physical education. It is a good curriculum and teaching model which could be used in physical education.
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