Purpose: New Zealand has excellent performance on both the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and on the sports, while its background of Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) reform is similar to Taiwan. This article analyzes the development background of PETE, PETE Programs, as well as obtaining and maintaining qualification of physical education teachers. Methods: Case studies on the University of Canterbury and the University of Auckland are discussed in this paper. Both of the universities mentioned are the key players of teacher education. The University of Auckland is on the list of the world's top 100 univerisities and the University of Canterbury has the most comprehensive teacher education system, training a variety of teachers. In consequence, case studies on these two universities are introduced and analyzed in this paper. Results: Four characteristics were found: 1. PETE Programs in New Zealand incorporate Critical Pedagogy. Teachers teach in an alternating manner with both research and practice; 2. Emphasize multicultural collaborative friendly learning environment; 3. Physical education teachers are trained in other disciplines besides physical education; 4. There are three types of physical education teacher certificate, and each type of certificate has a renewal system of a 3-year validity period. Conclusion: Enlightenment for Taiwan's PETE: 1. Critical thinking and alternating training of research-practice cultivate physical education teacher's problem-solving ability; 2. The establishment of multicultural education system; 3. Interdisciplinary program trains physical education teachers to have multiple capabilities; 4. A strict evaluation system of teacher's qualification promotes teachers' professional development.
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