


The Road of Professional Growth of Physical Education Teachers-orientation of Self-realization and Self-limitation Theory




李宏文(Hung-Wen Li);蔡沂蓁(Chi-Chen Tsai);潘義祥(Yi-Hsiang Pan)


教師典範 ; 進修發展 ; 目標設定 ; 立意取樣 ; 深度訪談法 ; professional development ; continuing education ; goal setting ; purposive sampling ; in-depth interview




16卷2期(2021 / 11 / 01)


33 - 56






Purpose: This study uses the theory of self-realization and self-limitation to understand the professional growth of physical education teachers. Method: The objects of this study selected 3 model physical education teachers with more than 10 years of teaching experience and deeds of education to conduct in-depth interviews to discuss their professional growth in a conceptual purposive sampling. Result: Based on the finding of this study after the interview, the model physical education teacher combines the spirit of self-realization to enhance his professionalism. Although he has self-limited experience in the past, it does not affect the setting and practice of his goals. Secondly, through professional growth and goal planning, not only allows oneself to the peak of life, but also guides students towards self-realization. Conclusion: 1. Teachers' professionalism and good professional ethics are the foundation of teachers' professional growth, and the teachers should pay attention to it. 2. A model physical education teacher can achieve self-realization and influence students by setting suitable goals. 3. The reflective experience of facing difficulties and problems and self-limiting are the keys to successfully getting rid of self-limiting and moving towards self-realization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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