


An Action Research of Senior High School Voluntary Groups in Adventure Education Courses




郭怡秀(Yi-Hsiu Kuo);陳昭宇(Chao-Yu Chen)


繩索挑戰課程 ; 團隊凝聚力 ; 問題解決能力 ; challenge ropes course ; team cohesion ; problem-solving ability




17卷2期(2022 / 11 / 01)


59 - 80






This thesis aims to explore the effects of adventure education courses on senior high school volunteers' team cohesion and problem-solving abilities. Action research methodology being adopted, the participants of this study were forty fresh student volunteers of Tainan Ocean High School. According to the research plan, three rounds (i.e. 20 courses in total) of high and low ropes courses were practiced. The research tools used were volunteers' team cohesion scales and problem-solving ability self-evaluation sheets. These sheets were done before and after the courses. When analyzing the data, paired t test was used, and was assisted with qualitative materials, such as teachers' notes, interviews, and students' feedbacks. While numbering each case, this study probed into the procedures and setbacks of adventure education, and observed the changes of volunteers' team cohesion and problem-solving abilities. There were two main conclusions of this study. First, adventure education greatly escalated students' team cohesion. Second, adventure education had positive effects on students' problem-solving abilities. It was also found through interviewing that as for joining adventure education courses, students in general gave positive feedback. It was thus inferred that well-chosen and well-tuned adventure education courses were suitable for senior high school volunteer training programs. In the end, the conclusions of this study offered suggestions for future application and research of adventure education courses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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