


Research on the Correlation between Customers' Atisfaction and Recreation Effects of Theme Parks




黃長發(Chang-Fa Huang);簡彩完(Tsai-Wan Chien)


主題樂園 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 休閒效益 ; Theme park ; customers' satisfaction ; recreation effects




4卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


60 - 80






The purpose of this study is to understand the correlation between customers' satisfaction and recreation effects for people who visit theme parks. We also attempt to find if there exist any difference in terms of customers' satisfaction and recreation effects of theme parks by comparing the effect of variables of personal background. Visitors who attended three theme parks: the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, Yamay Recreation World and Janfusun World are taken as our research objective. This research adapt method of questionnaires which contain a total of 1968 effective samples collected during July, 2007. T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression methods to test the hypothesis proposed for the research. The results indicate that for visitors of theme parks, 1. There exists a positive correlation between customers' satisfaction and recreation effects; 2. Significant differences exist in customers' satisfaction for visitors of different education level and monthly income while gender, marriage status and age do not contribute significant difference in customers' satisfaction. 3. Visitors' marriage status and education level causes a difference in recreation effects while factors such as gender, age and monthly income do not produce a difference in recreation effects. 4. Recreation effects can be predicted by customers' satisfaction. Our study attempted to understand the feeling of theme-park visitors about customers' satisfaction and recreation effects in order to further explore the leisure requires that the majority visitors concern and emphasize. The results are of great help for managers to grasp the potential needs of people who visit the theme parks. Moreover, hardware and software facilities as well as services can be developed, which obtains the goals of exploring market and promoting the utilization of recreation resources.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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