


A Study of the Teaching Qualifications for the Executive Management Business




吳菊(Chu Wu);黃品惠(Pin-Hui Huang);何珮芸(Pei-Yun Ho)


高階主管碩士在職專班EMBA ; 師資專業能力 ; 專業能力 ; Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA ; teaching qualification




5卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


57 - 84




本研究係以「高階主管碩士在職專班(EMBA)師資專業能力」爲研究主題,旨在探討EMBA學生對授課教師應具備專業能力的認知。本研究以問卷調查的方式,共發出500份問卷,回收206份,回收率爲41.2%,再透過文獻歸納、分析,將EMBA教師的專業能力歸納分類爲:教學、研究與服務三方面的專業能力,進而發展出各15項、12項、15項的能力項目,經由主成分分析萃取成六個因素構面,並輔以t檢定、one-way ANOVA差異性分析等進行統計分析,得知以下結論:1.EMBA教師應具備教學、研究與服務三方面六大專業能力構面;2.學生對EMBA授課教師專業能力的重要程度認知;3.學生對EMBA授課教師專業能力的符合程度認知;4.EMBA學生大多認爲授課教師所具備的專業能力重要程度與實際教學所表現的並不符合;5.EMBA學生對師資應具備的專業能力重視與符合程度的看法有顯著差異性。


The purpose of the study was to explore the teaching qualifications of the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), the students of EMBA recognized the specialized capabilities of the professors. The surveys were issued to 500 potential respondents totally. 206 questionnaires were returned effectively. The rate of valid return was 41.2%. According to the literature review, the teaching qualifications divided into three domains: teaching, research, and service; including 15, 12, 15 items for each domain. The study used the Principal Component Analysis to take seven sections and proceed T-test and One-Way ANOVA to complement further. The results of the study were the following: 1. The teaching qualifications for the Executive Master of Business Administration possessed seven specialized capabilities of the teaching, research, and service domains including 42 items. 2. The students of EMBA identified that the significant levels of the recognition for the specialized capabilities of the professors. 3. The students of EMBA identified that the consistent levels of the recognition for the specialized capabilities of the professors. 4. The most students of EMBA that there was a difference between the specialized capabilities and actual teaching performances. 5. The teaching qualifications for the Executive Master of Business Administration had to conform to the 26 items refer to seven specialized capabilities and the consistent levels of the recognition.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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