Kotschevar, an expert in hospitality management in the U.S., proposed the concept of Management by Menu, which becomes the model of food and beverages (F & B) services management for the follow-up researches. It demonstrates the critical role of the menu in F & B services management, as it contains an important information disclosure tool and communication medium in the F & B industry. Information disclosure will influence the overall operation of companies, and demonstrate operational outcomes. Without proper management, and with errors caused by improper labels, the outcome will be seriously negative. This study aims to focus on customers' needs and the perspective of menu management in order to construct propositions for indicators of food labels and menu information disclosure in the F & B industry. By in-depth interview and focus group, this study interviewed 15 experts with menu design experience, extracted six categories (name of food, price, descriptive terms, health information, portion size, and picture) by coding, and obtained 57 propositions for food labels. These findings can serve as references for the F & B industry to evaluate and manage menu information disclosure.
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