


Information Disclosure Tool of the Food and Beverages Industry: Study on Indicators of Food Labels in Menus




陳貴凰(Kaui-Hwang Chen);翁笠耿(Li-Keng Weng);李忠成(Chung-Chen Lee)


資訊揭露 ; 菜單 ; 菜品標示 ; 菜單標示 ; information disclosure ; menu ; food labeling ; Menu labeling




7卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


18 - 50




美國餐飲管理專家Kotschevar提出Management by Menu,此一論點被後續研究者奉為餐飲管理上的圭臬,足見菜單在餐飲管理中具有關鍵性的作用。菜單為餐飲業重要的資訊揭露工具、溝通媒介,而資訊揭露的優劣會影響公司整體營運,藉以表達營運成果,倘若未做好管理措施,因標示不當而導致失誤,後果嚴重不堪設想。本研究之主要目的是以顧客需求與菜單管理觀點切入,建構餐飲業菜單資訊揭露中菜品標示評估指標命題組成,藉由深度訪談法及焦點團體法訪談15位具菜單設計經驗專家蒐集資料,編碼歸類萃取出「品名」、「售價」、「描述性用語」、「健康訊息」、「供應份量」與「圖片」六大類別,獲得57個菜品標示命題,此結果可以做為餐飲業進行菜單資訊揭露評估檢核管理的重要參考指標。


Kotschevar, an expert in hospitality management in the U.S., proposed the concept of Management by Menu, which becomes the model of food and beverages (F & B) services management for the follow-up researches. It demonstrates the critical role of the menu in F & B services management, as it contains an important information disclosure tool and communication medium in the F & B industry. Information disclosure will influence the overall operation of companies, and demonstrate operational outcomes. Without proper management, and with errors caused by improper labels, the outcome will be seriously negative. This study aims to focus on customers' needs and the perspective of menu management in order to construct propositions for indicators of food labels and menu information disclosure in the F & B industry. By in-depth interview and focus group, this study interviewed 15 experts with menu design experience, extracted six categories (name of food, price, descriptive terms, health information, portion size, and picture) by coding, and obtained 57 propositions for food labels. These findings can serve as references for the F & B industry to evaluate and manage menu information disclosure.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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