


The Study of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in the Case of National Penghu University Students' Healthy Diet Behavior Intention




陳宏斌(Hung-Bin Chen);蔡秀金(Hsiu-Chin Tsai)


計劃行為理論 ; 飲食知識 ; 大學生 ; theory of planned behavior ; dietary knowledge ; college student




7卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


78 - 103




本研究目的旨在針對澎湖地區大專院校學生的健康飲食行為意圖進行研究,分析其飲食知識之正確性、在不同屬性下健康飲食行為意圖中各構面因素的差異性,最後建立大專院校學生健康飲食行為意圖模式。本研究採立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查法,發放問卷380份,有效問卷353份(有效問卷回收率為92.9%),問卷所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數及多元迴歸進行統計分析。研究結果發現不同性別、年級、運動習慣、自覺體型之大學生在飲食態度構面有顯著性差異;不同年級在主觀規範構面有顯著差異;不同的年級、伙食費、運動習慣、自覺身體健康之大學生在知覺行為控制構面有顯著差異;不同年級在飲食環境因素構面有顯著差異;不同年級、伙食費、自覺身體健康狀況在健康飲食行為意圖構面有顯著差異。預測變項(飲食環境因素、飲食態度、知覺行為控制、主觀規範)對健康飲食行為意圖有25.7 %的解釋力。其中知覺行為控制對大學生的健康飲食行為意圖最具影響力。


The purposes of this study attempt to explore university students' healthy diet behavior intention and realize their dietary knowledge in Penghu. In addition, this study discussed each dimension of the healthy diet behavior intention under different attributes. Finally, this study established university students' healthy diet behavior intention model. This study involved the purposive sampling method and comprised of 380 sets of questionnaires including 353 valid sets of questionnaires, or 92.9% of the valid sets of questionnaires were retrieved. The quantitative analysis was conducted through descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regressions. The results of this study indicated that the dietary attitude for genders, different grades, exercise habits, and self figures showed the significant difference. There was a significant difference for grades in the aspect of subjective norm. There were significant differences between genders, and among grades, fields, meal budget, exercise habits, health problems in the aspect of perceived behavior control. There was a significant difference for grades in the aspect of the dietary environment factor. There were significant differences among grades, meal prices and health problems in the aspect of the behavior of intention of the healthy diet. The predictive variables, like dietary environment factor, dietary and nutritional attitude, perceived behavior control and subjective norm, could be used to explain the behavior of intention of the healthy diet (25.7%). Among these variables, the perceived behavior had a great influence on the behavior of intention of the healthy diet of college students.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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