


A Study of the Relationships among Servicescape Satisfaction, Brand Value, and Brand Judgments-A Case of Taiwan High Speed Rail Tainan Station Passengers




蔡長清(Chang-Ching Tsai);曾鈞麟(Chun-Lin Tseng);李慧明(Hui-Ming Lee)


服務場景滿意度 ; 品牌價值 ; 品牌評價 ; Servicescape Satisfaction ; Brand Value ; Brand Judgments




7卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


114 - 145






This study aims to explore the Taiwan high speed rail passenger's perception of the relationships among servicescape satisfaction, brand value and brand judgments. In addition, this study further tests if brand value plays an intermediary mechanism between servicescape and brand judgments. Then hopefully the results might be as references to enhance the High Speed Rail stations' brand value and brand judgments. This study used a structured questionnaire as a measurement tool with variables contain servicescape satisfaction, brand value, brand judgments and personal attributes items by convenience sampling within the Tainan High Speed Rail Station. 450 questionnaires were submitted and a total of 374 completed questionnaires were collected, and effective returned rate reached 88%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results confirmed servicescape satisfaction has a significant impact on brand value and brand judgments. Brand value also has a significant influence on brand judgments. Brand value played a role as the mediator in this model in which the ”social value” and ”emotional value” have the highest intermediary effect.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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