Taiwan's food and beverage industry over the next 10 years will face a stronger competitive threat, including the total stagnation of population growth, food industry continues to increase, costs continue to increase, a significant change, such as easing cross-strait relations, in the face of external environmental changes, only strengthen core competencies and competitive advantages, to meet the diverse needs of customers, creating customer value, in order to ensure invincible position. Catering industry is a service industry, service quality and customer satisfaction is the basis of subsistence. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of customer perception of service quality of content, and its impact on the restaurant satisfaction, customer satisfaction in response to specific acts. Understanding of customer service quality of the restaurant industry perception, perception of the degree of customer satisfaction; understanding of the relationship between customer satisfaction catering service quality affect the subject; understand the different expectations and cognitive differences in perception of service quality and customer satisfaction aspects. In this study, quantitative methods to collect customer perception of service quality content and degree of customer satisfaction and service quality analysis to verify customer satisfaction by positive effects via information.
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