


A Study on Consumes' Purchase Behavior toward Certification Food




柯文華(Wen-Hwa Ko);王力文(Li-Wen Wang)


行為推理理論 ; 食品安全信心 ; 驗證食品 ; theory of reasoned action ; food security confidence ; Certification Food




12卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


94 - 112




本研究根據行為推理理論之觀點,探討消費者對願意/不願意購買驗證食品之總體動機與行為之關係,並了解食品安全信心對消費者願意/不願意購買驗證食品行為意向之調節效果。本研究採問卷調查法,共發放500 份問卷,總計回收426 份有效樣本,有效回收率為85.2%,並以SPSS 及LISREL 統計軟體進行分析。研究結果顯示,消費者在購買總體動機(包含態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制)、行為意圖及行為量表中彼此呈現正相關。消費者願意購買驗證食品之理由對總體動機有正向影響,而消費者不願意購買驗證食品之理由對態度有負向影響;購買驗證食品之總體動機會正面影響行為意圖;購買驗證食品之行為意圖會正向影響行為;食品安全信心對不願意購買驗證食品之理由與行為意圖關係間有負向調節效果。


According to the theory of reasoned action, this study predicts consumers' decisions and behaviors of intention to purchase certificated food, elucidates the overall motivation and behavioral relations of being willing/unwilling to purchase tested food, and delves into the regulatory effects of food security confidence on consumers' behavioral intention of being willing/unwilling to purchase tested food. In the process with a questionnaire, 500 questionnaire copies were distributed, and 426 valid copied were retrieved, with a valid retrieval rate of 85.2%. Meanwhile, SPSS and LISREL were adopted for the statistical analysis. According to the research results, there was positive correlation among global motivation (including consumers' purchase attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control), behavioral intention, and behavior scale. Consumers' reasons for being willing to purchase certificated food had positive effects on the global motivation, while their reasons' for being unwilling to purchase tested food had negative effects on consumers' purchase attitude; the global motivation of purchasing certificated food had positive effects on behavioral intention; the behavioral intention of purchasing certificated food had positive effects on behavior; food security confidence had negative regulatory effects on the relationship between the reasons for and behavioral intention of being unwilling to purchase certificated food.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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