An organization needs to try its best to improve the effectiveness ability of employees so as to improve the organizational profitability, and thus to achieve its operational goals. A thoughtful selection operation helps the organization to recruit outstanding applicants being entry employees, who do help to produce better effectiveness afterwards. The recruitment and selection jobs are highly important for insurance industry. How to select the best right person producing outstanding effectiveness after, during the recruitment operation, is a tough challenge for the organization. Intending to verify the influence of the financial tsunami upon the employment of insurance salespersons, following this stream, the primary issues of this study include recruitment channel, selection means, and job performance, intending to induce both recruitment channels and selection means of those employees who achieve leading job performance. According to findings of this study, we conclude those major recruitment channels are the recommendation of colleagues, the introduction of their own relatives, and the application through internet human resource banking. And, employees recruited by the introduction of their own relatives perform better than those by the application through internet human resource banking, in terms of job performance. About selection means, physical selection means is inapplicable for employees of this specific industry, employees passing moral selection means do not significantly produce better effectiveness than those who not. Furthermore, the employment of non-quantitative instrument to evaluate work effectiveness of those entry employees is strongly recommended because their job performance correlates insignificantly with those beginning employees selected through quantitative means, insurance premiums for instance.
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