Since late Ching Dynasty, Wang Fu-Zhi has been discussed together with Maestros in early Ching Dynasty such as Huang Zong-Xi and Gu Yan-Wu, and his writings stretch over classics, history, and literature. Tang Chien in Ching Dynasty described him in Guo Chou Xue An, ”he is devoted to philosophy and truth, researches thoroughly from ancient times to contemporary age, understand the causes and reasons of prosperity and adversity, suffers set backs but insists on benevolence, and faces obstacles but stands on righteousness.” Not only did Tang praise Wang’s academic achievements, but also approved of his model of moral integrity. Wang often said ”The Six Classics is what inspires me to create a new order”. He devoted his whole life to classics, and his writings with reference to Classic of Poetry such as Investigation on Classic of Poetry, Explanation of Classic of Poetry, and Shih Kuang Chuan are highly praised by later generations. Wang's representative work Shih Kuang Chuan, different from Investigation on Classic of Poetry and Explanation of Classic of Poetry which emphasize discrimination and authentication of names and matters as well as examination and revision of words and phrases, possesses a stronger viewpoint of his own interpretation. In 273 Chapter of Shih Kuang Chuan, a large number of words which use ”history” to expound and prove classics appear. Either whether this is out of mere coincidences or whether this demonstrates Wang's historical perspective is worth research and discussion. Starting from a viewpoint of interpretation, this study explains Wang’s special methods of classics interpretation in Shih Kuang Chuan as well as ethical perspective and his personal historical reflection that lie underneath.