


A Study on the Big-Five Personality Traits, Coping and Burnout of Counseling Psychologist




陳愉雅(Yu-Ya Chen);張高賓(Kao-Pin Chang)


諮商心理師 ; 五大人格特質 ; 壓力因應策略 ; 專業耗竭 ; counseling psychologist ; big five personality traits ; coping ; burnout




13期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23






The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among big five personality, coping and burnout of counseling psychologist. The research methodology was based on questionnaire survey. The survey samples consisted of 164 counseling psychologists. The Instruments include: ”Big-Five Personality Inventory”, ”Coping Inventory”, ”Burnout Inventory”. The obtained data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results from the statistical analyses revealed that burnout of counseling psychologist vary significantly with age and seniorities. Significant canonical correlation appears between big five personality and burnout. Significantly canonical correlation between coping and burnout. Conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism significantly predicate counseling psychologist's burnout.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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