In 2018, Taiwan's public television broadcast "Your child is not your child" film included five stories about parent-child interaction. This article looks forward to analyzing the family system and family dynamic that affect parent-child relationship. From the perspective of narrative analysis, the researcher analyzes the verbatim content of five stories based on text analysis. This article focuses on the context of phenomena and events, and focuses on the assignment of meaning. We find: 1. In the five stories, the children's inability to resist the mother's request, so reflects self-harm, self-defeating, giving up autonomy, cat abuse, depression, theft, giving up talent and low self-esteem. 2. The expectation of mothers and children toward each other was missed, false single parents, food can express maternal love and can punish children also, what the achievement that children have is equal to mother's contribution, ignore the child's needs and achievements other than grades, and the children are responsible for when they are in trouble, inability to respond to the children's heart-wrenching words, etc. are the common situation of the five mothers. 3. The family systems and dynamics present in five stories are inconsistent communication, fuzzy boundaries, triangular relationships, power control, and inflexible family rules. And, the five stories also present mothers' deep-rooted values and beliefs, intergenerational inheritance and mutual influence of parent-child behavior, and siblings become a substitute for their older brothers and sisters. 4. There are five disappointed mothers toward their life, children, and themselves., because they couldn't reach the model mothers standard and the society's expectations of motherhood that set in their mind. They take for granted for planning their children's future life, sacrifice herself, be strong and independent to raise her child, treat upbringing as her own responsibility, give anything for her children, in order to achieve the imaginary "good mother" standard. Besides, children's good grades can also help bring her good quality of life, honor, and improve their marriage relationship. It can prove mothers' ability, and let their children complete their unfinished dreams. 5. Both parents and children care about the relationship with each other, sacrifice for the sake of each other, but get feedback that does not meet their own expectations. Women are deeply influenced by the image of motherhood, father role was instrumentalization and absent. Women put their children at the center of their lives in the family, and their children's achievements are the representatives of their own values, or it can even be maintaining the relationship between husband and wife through the achievement of children. However, excessive intervention makes children unable to feel the love of motherhood, and may also internalize achievements into their own value, balance them with deviant behaviors, and get involved in the couple system because they care about the mother's suffering. This article discusses the dilemma of motherhood, children's symptoms reflecting parents' marital problems, unanswered maternal love, and children's passive protests, and also puts forward parenting education recommendations for practical family professionals.
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